Saturday, January 31, 2009

Its been a long time, been a long time, Been a long lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time.

. . . since I last posted. I realized the other day "what a depressing last post," and it's been sitting there for a while. Lots going on, new semester, holidays over (glad for that), taking the last two classes of my MA career. Thinking seriously of tacking on an M.A.T.-- the economy such as it is, and my love for school, I think it's probably not a bad idea in terms of future employability.

I'm taking Old English and American Lit after 1945, the former a requirement, the latter simply to plug a hole to keep my TA position. Both classes seem good so far.

I'm teaching First-year Composition, which is generally Comp. I in the Fall and Comp. II in the Spring. Comp I is the basics of rhet and comp, the second class is more focused on research and a longer paper. All of the Comp. II sections are themed, and I decided to teach metafiction again, though there's metapoetry and metadrama in there too. I'm enjoying class so far, and I'm teaching smart and engaged students--I've been very lucky in my classes that way.

Otherwise, not much going on, I keep meaning to send out poems for consideration, and instead I am sidetracked by all the other stuff that must be done.

I recently refinished an old night table that belonged to my mom and dad, I liberated it and now it's in my bedroom. It was light, now it's dark, but the grain is much deeper now-- pics interspersed, as well as new (grainy webcam) pic of Mal and the cat and I hanging on the couch.

1 comment:

KLA* said...

nice job with the endtable. looks great.

that cat is growing fast!

i've also been lucky with most of my students.

for example, i've seen two of them at a couple poetry events on campus that few others have attended.

i hope your last semester (for now) goes well.